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Two Day FED Meeting Commences Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the commencement of a two-day FOMC meeting. It is widely expected the Committee will keep rates steady in the 5.25% to 5.5% range and might “pencil” in one more interest hike later this year and stay at

Markets Were Generally Unfazed By The CPI Data

Underlying inflation ran at a faster than expected monthly pace in August, leaving the door open for additional interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve.  Core consumer prices—which exclude food and energy prices—advanced 0.3% from

The CPI and Budget Deficit

The WSJ reports the budget deficit for fiscal year 2023 that ends on September 30 will be $1.7 trillion.  The estimate is from the Congressional Budget office’s monthly report for August and the deficit is even worse than

A Bifurcated Day

Markets were bifurcated as the Dow was unchanged and the NASDAQ led by be technology shares retreated about 1.0% amid concern over how a Chinese ban on AAPL’s iPhone could impact other segments of the

Oil Again Advanced

Oil rose about 2% yesterday following the announcement that Saudi Arabia will extend its unilateral oil production cut by another three months.  Its daily production will hold around 9 million barrels a day, the lowest level in